Friday, January 24, 2014

Thomas Jefferson

"I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it."

This meaningful and marvelous quote was said by one of the most influential minds of the 18th century: Thomas Jefferson. We believe this quote can represent very clearly and accurately Thomas Jefferson's life. He was lucky to have been born in one of Virginia's most distinguished families, and in addition he inherited a considerable landed estate from his father. However, this luck wasn't for free since he was a hard-working man throughout his life. He was a public official, historian, philosopher, and plantation owner who served his country for over fifty years. He was always known for his optimism and he performed his occupations with great honesty and responsibility. He fought for the colonists's rights and he opposed Britain's unfair treatment towards them. He was the author of the declaration of independence and he voiced the hopes of the American people as no other individual in his era. Even in his death bed he was a honorable and respectable gentleman, the kind that this world needs more of.

Thomas Jefferson was born in April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia and he died in July 4, 1826 in Monticello. Thomas Jefferson is a very important person because he was the author of the Declaration of Independence and also the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom. In fact he was so valuable to his country, that he became the third president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson was elected governor from the years 1779 to 1781. His father was named Peter Jefferson and he was a succesful planter, and his mother, Jane Randolph was a member of one of the most distinguished families in Virginia. When he was twenty six years old he began constructing Monticello. In the other hand, Jefferson had many debts, although he was always considered an optimistic man. He died when he was eighty three years old.

Thomas Jefferson had many accomplishment in his long life. First of all, he founded the University of Virginia, being him named the "Father of the University." Also, Thomas Jefferson was the first secretary state of America. In addition, he was the co-founder of the Democratic Republican Party, which was the opposition of the Federalist Party. The Democratic Republican Party controlled the Congress and the Presidency. Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory because he wanted to expand America and because it had a variety of natural resources.  Furthermore, Thomas Jefferson was the initiator of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Lewis Clark Expedition was the first expedition to cross the western part of what is now the United States of America. Apart from this accomplishments, he was also a father, gardener, and thinker, who had a strong believe in the rights of all men. Thomas Jefferson was an incredible man and a wonderful example for future generations.

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