Friday, February 7, 2014

The Battle of Saratoga

One of the greatest battles in history is known as the battle of Saratoga. This was considered one of the most crucial victories for the Patriots since it gave them the confidence and emotional strength they needed to win the Revolutionary War. In fact, this battle is considered one of the "Fifteen Most Decisive Battles in World History". This battle gave the Patriots a good reputation and made them and other countries realize that there was a small possibility that they could actually win this war. France saw this and joined the Patriots in an attempt to hurt and weaken their old enemy England. This battle also gave strength to Washington and his Continental Army since they received more supplies as a result of their alliance to France. The Saratoga Battle is made up of two different battles that were fought in September and October of 1777.

The Battle of Saratoga was led by Horatio Gates. While the British Army was led by John Burgoyne. This battle took place on the Hudson River, in Saratoga, New York. It was fought by the Battle Freeman's Farm and Battle of Bemis Heights. The British commander, Burgoyne wanted to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies. While he advanced to the south of Canada, his forces were reinforced by Red Coats that were led by General Howe. Then, Burgoyne and his troops defeated the Continental Army at Freeman's a Farm. Days after the victory, John Burgoyne's troops were attacked by the Americans at Bemis at Heights. The British pull back when American used defensive techniques. Approximately 1,000 Red Coats were killed. After the retreat, John Burgoyne's troops were surrounded by the American troops. At the end, the British a General surrendered.

The victory of the Battle of Saratoga for the Americans was look like a new life for them because they were in a critical time. This victory helped the Americans to organize because they had just suffered a major loose in the Battle of the Brandywine. This impressive victory happened in October 1777. One important thing that happened is that France have confidence in America, therefore, they enter the war as allies of them. That was a very good help, but as always every help needs a payment. The colonists had a great deal with France on aiding the form of financial and the military assistance. After the Battle of Saratoga, the Britsh were surrounded under the control of General Burgoyne. This was one of the mayor turning points of the Revolutionary War. Finally, a good advantage is that the American morale was boosted and the country now felt that they could win wars.

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