Friday, March 7, 2014

The Revolutionary War Impacts Society

Who would've thought that the shots fired at Lexington and Concord would change not only America but the whole world? Nobody could have predicted the huge and amazing impact that this war had in all of the persons in the world. This event marked a precedent for other revolutions to come and it inspired people from all around the world to fight for their rights. Eventhough the Americans had an amazing success, the British were not so lucky to accomplish victory or even honor. They abandoned their Native allies in 1783 and the Treaty of Paris ignored them completely. This left them extremely vulnerable and they had to give up massive tracts of land that belonged to them at the beginning. On the other hand, the British tried to help the Loyalist allies but the state laws and mob violence prevented them from returning home. This may seem bad at first but on the long run, this was beneficial since it spawned the future Canada. This just shows that the war was a necessary change in the spirits of the Americans that eventually grew on to inspire each and everyone of us.
The majority of American womens do or made a small contributions to the Revolutionary War effort. Some even participated in the military side of the war. Women had the position to defend their families and homes from British and Native Americans attacks. For African American women in the Revolutionary War made little impacts in their lives. However the women's role became valued for the aid of the revolution and to became the mothers of the nation. Although they suffer many problems as by giving them more puiblic role in society. Also they suffer by not having legal rights, but for us this womens at that time help, because they participated in boycotting British goods, producing goods for soldiers and also spying the British army.

The Revolutionary War also impacted on the African Americans. African Americans still continued to be slaves. This inspired African Americans to demand for their freedom. Some slaves demanded for emancipation. They would go into courts to sue their owners. African Americans just wanted freedom, that is why they joined the Patriots militia for a promise of liberty. In the other hand, the southern slaves escaped and joined the British. Eventually, laws banned slavery in the North. that is why people on the North would sell the slaves to the South before they become free. Emancipation was successful in the North, but not in the South. In Virginia and Maryland, some farmers freed their slaves. this is called manumission. Twenty thousand slaves were freed in 1810, two thousand were freed by George Washington. This is how the Revolutionary War impacted the society.

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